Call it what you want. . .but we all deserve the rights and protections afforded to those who marry. If heterosexuals can marry an unlimited number of times an reap the rewards why shouldn't we?
Marriage versus Commitment
Published on August 12, 2004 By EU NICE In Welcome
I never intended to get married. But here I find myself planning a wedding to the woman of my dreams despite the knowledge that it won't be recognized by the same government I've paid taxes to for the last 22 years. I understand intellectually that we won't be granted the over 1000 protections given to couples who are just like us, with the exception of gender and (perhaps) commitment. Why is it that a man and a woman who just met, who don't believe in God or any other higher power, who couldn't care less about providing a stable, loving, moral home for children, who are in it for money and property, and/or who just thought it would be "cool" can get married with the blessing of the church, the government, and by extension, God are more acceptable than you or I who believes in forever? Tradition.

It's the same justification that's been used for hundreds of years to justify slavery, segregation, the ban on interracial marriage, on inter-faith marriage, and more. It's time to make a stand. It may take years, but unless we speak out, unless we prove we are storng political and economic force to be taken seriously, nothing will change.

So, I invite you to share your voice, your story, your political position in the hopes that someday, someway, we WILL make a difference.

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